BundleWITH   Celinne da Costa

Get all 3 of my wealth activation workshops bundled into one. Learn how to unlock your money codes, ease-fully raise your rates to 5-figures and beyond and become financially nourished.


It doesn’t *actually* matter how much you make, because this topic is a persistent thorn in your shoe.

You’re way too talented, way too skilled, and way too passionate about what you do to be charging rates that don’t excite you (especially when you know that your work is changing people’s lives).

Are you asking yourself:

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    Will I make as much as I did last month?

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    Can I pay off all my expenses and have enough left for me?

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    Do I have enough to invest in that thing I want?

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    How am I possibly going to afford all this, and make enough?

If you’re constantly feeling like there’s not enough money to go around, it’s not that money doesn’t like you… it’s that you are neglecting your relationship with this powerful energy.

What if I told you that you get to be highly compensated for the incredible work that you do, in a way that feels nourishing, exciting, and endlessly abundant for you?

You need to get clear and confident with raising your rates, stop undercharging and get excited to serve clients who can’t wait to buy from you…

It’s time to heal your relationship with money once and for all, wouldn’t you say?


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    Build premium, high-ticket programs that have your dream clients happily saying YES to – without doubting yourself or your pricing?

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    Feel nourished and well-compensated for the powerful work that you do.

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    Heal your money mindset blocks so that you can receive the money you desire for your services?

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    Feel in complete alignment with your rates knowing deep in your bones the high quality of what you deliver?

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    Be equipped with practical steps and the tools overcome the mental, emotional, strategic, and energetic blocks any time you feel ready to adjust and increase your pricing?

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    Have access to a guided meditation that reconnects you to your deeper “why” for creating more abundance and wealth in your life, get clear on what the next steps are, and reprogram your subconscious to become an energetic match to receive the wealth you desire?

If you've landed on this page, chances are...

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    You’re undercharging or you're afraid to raise your rates for your god-given talents, and it’s left you feeling drained and overworked.

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    You have a love-hate relationship with money: sometimes you love it, sometimes you feel guilty about it, sometimes you want it, and other times you push it away. It feels like an exhausting anxious-avoidant relationship!

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    You have an underlying resentment towards your clients for not paying you the rates you truly desire (and deserve) – even though you're not actually speaking up and asking them to – and then feel guilty about it... sending yourself on a vicious cycle of shame.

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    You’ve been stuck at an income plateau for a while and unsure “how” to actually raise your rates.

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    You’re unclear on how to position your premium offer so it’s a no-brainer “yes” for your ideal client.

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    You’re being confronted with potential clients who are sticker-shocked and scoffing at your rates, further reaffirming that you’re charging “too much.”

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    You associate money-making with needing to overwork and (gasp!) burnout. You’re ready to break this pattern once and for all so that you can break the time-for-money business model.

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    You’re constantly feeling stressed or anxious about money. And no matter how much you make, you’re feeling the scarcity at the end of each month and it’s causing to you to become reactive and short-sighted in your decision-making.

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    You have a history with money scarcity consciousness. You might consciously believe that money is good and wants to work for you but you were raised in a household, environment, or culture that reinforced restrictive belief systems around money (meaning, they now live in your subconscious until you actively do something about it!)

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    You know you’re limiting your income and earning potential with your money mindset but you’re unsure of the steps to take to start creating and attracting the money you desire.



I’ve helped 100s of heart-led, purpose-driven entrepreneurs, leaders, coaches, and healers unlock deeper levels of fulfillment, impact, and abundance in their lives by coming back to themselves, building magnetic brands, and scaling their businesses to multiple 6- and 7-figures.

By following the principles I now teach, I have built a highly successful coaching business that has generated millions while being able to take three months off during the year, work just 20 hours per week, and spend six months per year living and working abroad. It's these same principles that have landed me inside Forbes, Huffpost, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider, as well as on Tony Robbins' podcast and a TEDx stage.

I can’t wait to walk alongside you as step into a more abundant and soul-aligned life.


Rewire subconscious money mindset issues, heal your emotional relationship with money, and learn how to work with (not against) the energy of money… so that you can naturally and peacefully magnetize more money into your life without stress or worry.

Feel confident and clear on what premium rates to charge, when and how to raise them, and what process to take yourself through so you can become the perfect energetic match to receive the compensation you desire, and attract happy clients who feel it was worth every penny (and then some!).

What's inside rewrite your money story?

Love Money Again Course

A course to help you heal your money wounds, fall in love with money again, and rewire your money mindset and energy body to ease-fully and joyfully magnetize more money and prosperity into your life.

Value: $333


Premium Pricing Masterclass

Learn a straightforward, easily repeatable signature process for raising your rates to 5-figures and beyond so that you can stop undercharging, and instead feel financially nourished and excited to serve clients who can’t wait to buy from you.

Value: $222

Wealth Activation Practice

A guided meditation that reconnects you to your deeper “why” for creating more abundance and wealth in your life, get clear on what the next steps are, and reprogram your subconscious to become an energetic match to receive the wealth you desire PLUS a downloadable pdf that you can complete during this meditation.

Value: $111


Are you ready?

REWRITE Your Money StoryBundle

Learn how you can fall in love with money again, become the vibrational match for the rates that you desire (and beyond!) harness this potent energy to support you towards actualizing your heart’s desires and learn my trialed-and-tested methodology and mindset shifts to become a vibrational match to receive more money than you previously ever dreamed of.


Get my guidance in a 15-minute Wealth Activation practice to support you with easing yourself into a meditative state and ground into your body. You also receive a pdf to complete during this session so that you can connect deeper with what’s inside your Soul, and come back to your answers as you progress through your Rewrite Your Money Story journey.


Once you’ve gone through the Rewrite Your Money Bundle, made the mindset shift to overcome your subconscious blocks, and implemented all the steps, you’ll start to receive an immediate return on your investment - of this, I have no doubt!

See what others

have to say...


  • blue-star

    You're a purpose-driven, heart-centered entrepreneur who is ready to finally LET GO of all those fears, constrictions, and ickiness around money and say “yes” to allow this beautiful sacred energy to flow into your life in abundance.

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    You want the keys to my tried-and-tested process that I’ve used to repeatedly increase my rates to $10,000, $25,000, $40,000, and now 6 figures and beyond, and sell out my program every time.

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    You're ready to learn how to open yourself to falling in love with money again… because there was a time when you didn’t have beef with this energy. Where scarcity wasn’t a thing that had been programmed into your subconscious through conditioning from your parents, your environment, or your culture.

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    There was a time when money was a neutral energy to you… as abundant and available to you as water, food, and shelter and you want to return to this neutral feeling, and get the tools to reset back to ground zero. To consciously choose to fall in love with money, and have a beautiful, fruitful, and endlessly prosperous relationship to this beautiful energy that (believe it or not) wants to work for you.

How I reprogrammed my subconscious to create $500k+ in 6 months

In early 2022, I made a decision to become wealthy. Not just financially wealthy, but to embody wealth in all forms of the word: health, relationships, career, and money.

I desired to experience freedom when it came to money; a lightness of being and unshakable peace with this energy, and to feel it flowing my way unencumbered..

This decision catalyzed a massive subconscious reprogramming journey around money, where I became a student of my own work all over again, going deeper into practicing the same tools that I teach my clients.

Within 7 months of making this decision, I experienced by first 6-figure month. Over a year later, I had generated nearly 7 figures in my business. By January of 2023, I’d created over $500,000 from my business and investment income.


Here are 5 key steps I focused on to create these results:

Recognizing and rewiring limiting beliefs.
My journey started with becoming aware of and responsible for own wounding around money. I got really honest and real about the many limiting belief systems and disempowering stories around finances, and used my Rewrite Your Life™ subconscious reprogramming method to rewrite these belief systems into empowering ones that allowed me to recognize my worth and capacity to create more money.

Somatic practices & trauma healing.
To experience long-lasting effects, my healing needed to take place through the body. I complemented my mindset work with practices including breathwork, bodywork, emotional release, and movement. I released lifetimes of pain, suffering, and contraction in my nervous system, for myself and my ancestors. As a result, my nervous system expanded to feel comfortable with receiving more money.

A LOT of self-education on money and investments.
I went deep into studying the history of money, the global economy, and different types of investments. I learned how to “speak” money, familiarizing myself with the jargon, buyer and seller psychology, studying and learning from the wealthiest minds on the planet.

Receiving mentorship & coaching.
I couldn’t have made the shifts I made without mentors guiding me, who had walked the path I desired to be on. I had several coaches who were supporting me with the strategy, healing, and pointing out my blind spots so I could accelerate my process and collapse timelines.

Mastering the energetics.
Understanding money and how it responds to our energy made the ultimate difference in this work. This looked like listening to the energy of money, how it wanted to move, and aligning my decisions and actions with the laws of nature. The more connected I became to my soul’s purpose, the more reverence and devotion I brought into my spiritual practice, and the more aligned I became to service the collective, the easier the money flowed.

To learn the blueprint of these steps, how I took them, and how you can apply them in your own life to completely rewrite your money story and reprogram your subconscious for more abundance and prosperity…

Join me for the Rewrite Your Money Story bundle, which includes:

• Love Money Again course
• Premium Pricing That Sells masterclass, and
• Wealth Activation Practice

A final love letter to you...

I couldn’t have made the shifts I made without mentors guiding me, who had walked the path I desired to be on. I had several coaches who were supporting me with the strategy, healing, and pointing out my blind spots so I could accelerate my process and collapse timelines.

Understanding the energy of money, and how it responds to our own energetic signature, made the ultimate difference in this work. This looked like listening to the energy of money, how it wanted to move, and aligning my decisions and my actions with the laws of nature. The more connected I became to my soul’s purpose, the more reverence and devotion I brought into my spiritual practice, and the more aligned I got to nature and serving Gaia through my service, the easier the money flowed.

So, you have two choices: you can learn to harness and work with this energy so that it helps and supports you…

Or you can continue to struggle against the currents of scarcity and not-enoughness that come with the subconscious belief systems around money that you may not even be aware have been installed in you since you were a child.

Money is a sacred energy, and it has so much to teach you about who you are and what you are capable of. It is a mirror, a supporter, and a friend… When you treat it with the respect and gratitude that it deserves, it can’t help but desire to flow towards you and be stewarded by you.

Money has been a master teacher for me… opening doors of opportunity I previously never imagined existed, facilitating my biggest dreams, and supporting me in walking the path towards my Soul’s highest possible destiny and assisting others to do the same.

My wish and intention is that this bundle will activate and help you unlock a love that already lives inside you… money you may not even have realized was available to you.

I truly believe you are worthy of everything you desire and more, including money, and I’ve put this bundle together to support you in paving the path towards high-ticket, premium pricing that lights you up and gives you more space and resources to do the work you’ve been put on this planet to do. I look forward to serving you!

If you’d like to dive deep into the full journey, tools, and strategies I used to heal my relationship with money and rewrite my story once and for all…

I’ve made all this available to you in the Rewrite Your Money Story bundle so that you can unlock the pathways to turn your biggest dreams into reality.

Are you ready to Rewrite Your Money Story with me?


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We do not guarantee any level of success or income from our programs, products, services, and information. Any success that you or another client may see from our materials is dependent upon you, your circumstances, and many other surrounding factors. We’ve endeavored to ensure that we accurately represent all the offerings and services displayed on this website and that the potential for income, earnings and income statements made by Celinne Da Costa Worldwide LLC and its advertisers or affiliates are accurate. Testimonials and other statements made on our website or social media are exceptional results, which do not necessarily reflect the average experience, and are simply estimates of what some clients have been able to earn. Any decision you make to invest in any of our products or programs is solely your own, and you agree we are not responsible nor liable if you do not achieve the level of success or financial results desired.