Virtual VIP Day

WITH   Celinne da Costa

Step into your next level of evolution and leadership, release years of subconscious and emotional blocks, and embody the brilliance of who you're meant to be in this lifetime – from the inside out.


We will spend a half-day (4 hours) together in a nourishing, transformational container of laser-focused, deep-dive coaching to identify and connect you to your next level vision, release the biggest subconscious blocks holding you back, and map out your practical and energetic next steps to accelerate the path towards your highest Soul purpose and Services.


In this VIP Day experience, you will:

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    Get crystal clear and focused on what changes and transformations you’re looking to call into your life and business (because clarity is power)⁣.

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    Release trauma and deep-rooted subconscious blocks in your energy, physical and emotional body that are keeping you stuck and looping in your current reality and preventing you from actualizing your heart’s desires.

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    Create a clear roadmap with actionable steps and timelines so that you can track and measure your progress, and accelerate your timeline to pull your desired future⁣ into the now.

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    Unlock your fullest potential so that you can access your power and your agency as the Creator of your life.⁣

During our time together, we will be doing  powerful healing, energy, subconscious reprogramming, and strategy work that will accompany you for a lifetime.⁣

A VIP Day with Celinne is perfect for you if...

You’re feeling really close to a breakthrough and meeting your goals, but you need the right tools and strategies to bridge the gap.

You’ve been feeling stuck or like you’ve hit an upper limit for a while now. You know you need support to see beyond your own blind spots.

You desire to understand your personal power and how to channel it so that you can naturally attract more soulmate clients, more income, and more aligned opportunities.

You’re ready to grow a magnetic, premium 7+ figure brand that feels like an authentic expression of your Soul.

You’re ready to become recognized as a leader in your industry, and do the inner work to embody this identity from the inside out.


A virtual VIP Day with Celinne will run for approximately 4 hours and includes:

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    A 1:1 Morning Deep Intensive Coaching to get crystal clear on your big vision, cut through the chaos, and create a customized plan for what the journey ahead looks like

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    1:1 Afternoon Deep Intensive Coaching Session to integrate what you've uncovered, and create customized daily practices to maintain your transformation

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    Subconscious Reprogramming, including learning tools, techniques, and integration practices specifically tailored to your operating system

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    Next Steps Action Plan so that you can implement what you uncover and actualize your desires into reality

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    A recording of the session that you can download and watch as many times as you need!

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    7 Days of Voxer Support for integration and support so that you have all ofyour post-VIP Day questions answered

See what VIP Day clients

have experienced...

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Celinne Da Costa is a personal development expert and Master Coach for CEOs, executives, and leaders.

After leaving her successful career as a brand strategist in corporate New York City to travel the world and design life on her own terms, she rapidly grew her coaching company by helping changemakers tap into their authentic truth and build magnetic brands through authentic relating, unapologetic self-expression, and conscious leadership.

Celinne's work has been featured globally in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, and TEDx. She has also worked with top industry leaders, Fortune 200 companies, and thousands of business owners in over 50 countries who are committed to becoming the best possible versions of themselves and unlocking their most powerful story from within.

Her work offers a unique mix of several healing and neuroscience modalities, including Master-Neurolinguistic Programming, Conscious Connected Breathwork, Holistic Healing Hypnotherapy, and Life, Motivational, and Emotional Intelligence Coaching, which she uses to help her clients experience breakthroughs.

Celinne is incredibly passionate about helping visionary leaders let go of the old stories of their past, step into their power, and not only tell but become the greatest story they ever told. This enables them to create an impact on more people, evolve into influential leaders in their industry, and grow legacy brands that are in full alignment with their Soul’s purpose.

Are you ready?

Step into your next level of evolution and leadership, release years of subconscious and emotional blocks, and embody the brilliance of who you're meant to be in this lifetime – from the inside out.

*Custom payment plans available upon request. Returning clients receive an exclusive rate. Please email us at to inquire about your payment options.



We do not guarantee any level of success or income from our programs, products, services, and information. Any success that you or another client may see from our materials is dependent upon you, your circumstances, and many other surrounding factors. We’ve endeavored to ensure that we accurately represent all the offerings and services displayed on this website and that the potential for income, earnings and income statements made by Celinne Da Costa Worldwide LLC and its advertisers or affiliates are accurate. Testimonials and other statements made on our website or social media are exceptional results, which do not necessarily reflect the average experience, and are simply estimates of what some clients have been able to earn. Any decision you make to invest in any of our products or programs is solely your own, and you agree we are not responsible nor liable if you do not achieve the level of success or financial results desired.