One-Month Deep Dive Intensive

In this 1-month personal coaching program,

I’ll help you create a simple, doable plan to make this year amazing in all parts of life – your career, relationships, health, and more.


I'll share with you the exact frameworks, strategies, and tools that have been used over and over again by myself and my clients to create transformational results (scroll down to see many of those client stories!)


Key topics we can cover together (to be customized to your specific needs and desires):


#1. Rework and elevate your Brand Story so that your offers and marketing become magnetic to soulmate clients who can’t wait to invest in you.


#2. Gain energy, focus, and motivation, and infuse the joy back into your life & business through a blend of deep personal transformation practices and results-driven business strategy.


#3. Elevate how you’re talking about yourself by telling your stories on your platforms and reconnecting with yourself as the leader of your brand.


#4. Close the gap in your messaging by up-leveling your story and who you’re talking to through your story so you can grow your business, be seen by more people, and create more impact. 


#5. Identify the areas in your life and business where you’re feeling disconnected, and instead re-align to your Soul's purpose and intuitive wisdom so that you can take big needle-moving action in the upcoming months.



Below you'll find many testimonials from clients I've worked with and their life-altering results.

I invite you to watch this video to

Learn more about the journey within my private coaching containers

To move forward with or inquire further about my private 1:1 coaching please use the application button below.

How we work together:

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    A 1:1 Deep Dive 90-Min Intensive

    To get crystal clear on your big vision, cut through the chaos, and create a tailored, customized plan for what the journey ahead looks like

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    Daily Voxer access

    For fast brainstorming, Q & A, and in-between support, with a reasonable response time

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    A 1:1 follow up session

    So we can laser focus on what you need, quantum leap past your roadblocks, and give you next action steps to speed ahead

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    Recordings of our calls

    So you don't miss any insights, and can receive new codes every time you revisit your breakthroughs.

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    Feedback & strategies

    Recommended resources, and action items as needed

Your Investment:

one month intensive

Usually $7777 per month, special offer for March:

Please note: I will be reviewing each application and selecting the applicants that I feel are best for private coaching. You will be my main focus in this mentorship, so I only want committed individuals who are ready to roll up their sleeves, take action, and do whatever it takes to step into the next level of their brilliance.

Celinne really does have a way of bringing out your story in the most powerful, honest way possible. If you get the chance to work with her, definitely take that opportunity.

I recently got to work with Celinne around crafting my own story and really putting it out there in a way that was real, authentic, gritty, and honest, as well as making sure it had a business focus.

When I got to work with Celinne, it was magical! It was crazy how she was able to ask me the questions that really got to the heart of my story and had me think of things that I never would have thought of in the way that she presented them. She made sure that I dug really deep into my own story: “what is most important?”, “what do I want to share?”, “why do I want to share it?” When my story was all put together, it was not only beautifully done, honest, real, but had that business side of it as well so I could relate to those that I want to attract and serve inside my own business.

Celinne is absolutely BRILLIANT at what she does. If you’re in ANY line of work that requires you to authentically connect with a group of people, you need to work with Celinne. She will save you so much time, money and energy from trying to figure all of this out on your own!

Celinne is absolutely BRILLIANT at what she does. As a multiple 7-figure business owner with over 100,000 social media followers, one would think that I’ve got this “story clarity” thing figured out. However, something called me to work with Celinne 1:1, starting with her Story Clarity Intensive, because I knew I could make this simpler, easier, and bring even more alignment into my business.

I couldn’t believe it only took 2 sessions!

If you’re in ANY line of work that requires you to authentically connect with a group of people, you need to work with Celinne. She will save you so much time, money and energy from trying to figure all of this out on your own!

As a result of the work that she did and the story that she created about my brand, it got picked up by huge publishers. Some of the biggest brands were writing about me in Business Insider, Forbes, Travel & Leisure.

Celinne was the reason why all of that happened. This was the next step of helping me to expand further and I’m at a point now where I have a great network. My life is completely free. I do what I want whenever I want. My brands are beautiful and solid. There’s a really strong structure behind my brand. There is a lot of value behind me, it’s not just a fluffy brand. It’s real. And that’s the power of storytelling.

This woman has magical superpowers!!! Working with Celinne on my speech was the BEST thing I could have ever done for my career. I was so impressed with how she pulled together what I was trying to convey but had all the ideas scattered in my mind and didn’t know how to put it together in a cohesive manner. She is a wizard at her craft. I truly can’t say enough about her!

She listened, observed, and intuited exactly the messages I was trying to get across! She then helped me define my key points which made the rest so easy for me. My hour-long speech was a huge success and I have her to thank for helping me set the foundation so I could then do my thing on stage! I highly highly recommend hiring Celinne – she is so intuitive and a master at her craft! Hands down one of the realest coaches and mentors out there! So many “oversell and underdeliver” people out there but Celinne gets down to business in the realest most authentic way.

I cannot brag enough about Celinne’s style and I had such amazing experience and results with her.

This process is an interesting one because it was so personal to me in sharing my story and my “why” that I wanted to make sure that it came very articulate and genuine, but also that it made the impact when I have 1500 words to tell the story. I just can’t brag enough about how great the article flowed and the feedback and results speak for itself -over 150,000 views on this article which is amazing in every word. So anybody who’s out there who’s thinking about working with her, you’ve got my two thumbs up in approval, and I just couldn’t say enough nice words.

Going through this process with Celinne, we were really able to get clarity around our why our vision and core company values.

Celinne knew how to ask the right questions and show us how these things related to our story. And through asking the right questions she was really able to bring out the true essence of our brand. And that has now given us a guide and a framework for how we can bring all parts of our business into alignment and our messaging is the same across all areas of our business.


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I suffered from an awful lot of anxiety and panic attacks years ago - it always held me back. Through my work with Celinne, I have been able to move past this and now have the confidence to know that I can actively take steps to move in the direction where I want to go. I feel more empowered, more in the driver's seat of my life and business.

Melanie Mead


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After my work with Celinne, I began to create a practice that is reflective of my own embodiment with deep financial nourishment and with a reach that is further and more deeply aligned with who I am.

Dr Carrie Chojnowski


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During my work with Celinne, I healed my relationship with money, discovered my ‘X’ factor and what makes me unique, and felt more confident than ever as a Coach. Gone was imposter syndrome and all the pressure. I developed a deep sense of confidence in myself, my gifts, and my skills as a Coach.

Jasmine Lipski


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Since working with Celinne I have more than doubled my yearly revenue and am finally hitting $10k months and beyond.

Marie Poza


Since I started telling stories through Celinne’s framework, I’ve seen immediate results. I’ve been getting so many more DM’s on Instagram and comments on my posts. And get this for more Celinne magic! She’s helped me turn my stories into business.

Celinne helped me identify my why, my values, my vision statement, and even my ideal client. Now I am guiding everything I do in my business through her amazing framework, which is helping me deliver my messages in a more meaningful way.

She is a magician. Except, instead of pulling rabbits out of a hat, she helps you pull your story out of your head. Authentic, real, and engaging stories that you may not have even realized could relate to your business and clients.

I can go on and on about Celinne because she’s so amazing and I feel so fortunate to be working with her. Not only am I able to get more engagement, but I’ve been able to create a new sales page where I better articulate exactly what I’m offering in a way that serves my ideal clients.

The fact that I was on a Tony Robbins stage in front of 10,000 people was absolutely transformational for me. If you told me 2 years ago, there’s no way I would believe that… My favorite part about working with Celinne was seeing her commitment and support. So consistent that it will make the non-believers, believers.

The fact that I was on a Tony Robbins stage in front of 10,000 people was absolutely transformational for me. If you told me 2 years ago, there’s no way I would believe that… My favorite part about working with Celinne was seeing her commitment and support. So consistent that it will make the non-believers, believers. The level of commitment that she has for this work, and the level of commitment she has for being there for me is such a joy because I know no matter what’s going on, there’s no judgment. She can love and support me where I’m at… It’s an amazing gift.

Being able to work with Celinne was just a big shift in energy. Honestly, everything is so much better. I’m happier, I’m a lot more productive. I also have more time off and my business is thriving. It’s honestly been so magical and I’m really glad.

I feel like we as women believe that we have to carry more masculine energy and show up in ways that don’t feel as natural or in ways that we don’t really want to. Being able to bring in that feminine aspect and that encouragement to be true to myself was just such a big eye opener and made a really big difference.

Working with Celinne has certainly changed the trajectory of my life and set me up to create a life that is beyond my wildest dreams. I feel like a kid in a candy store with all the opportunities available to me.

The work we did was deep, unraveling over a decade worth of unresolved trauma so that I could finally find my voice, hoan in on what I wanted and begin to actualize my dreams & desires. Celinne has an incredible way of cutting through the noise and surface level issues to the deeper, more pertinent issues that were holding me back from discovering what story, vision and mission I had to share with the world. Having done the “ground work” so thoroughly, I am growing leaps and bounds exponentially. I feel like a kid in a candy store with all the opportunities available to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I finally had a $100k launch of the first version of Launch Magic in November 2020 (after sitting on the idea for 18 months) and I stepped into my next-level self and started growing my team which means I have more mental space, financial freedom and time freedom.

Working with Celinne, she helped me to uncover my hero’s journey, despite telling myself for years that I had nothing interesting or media-worthy about my story. Since crafting that hero’s journey together, I’ve gone on to use the same story for a Forbes feature article and countless podcast interviews, which led to generating leads who resonated with my story and felt more connected to me and my brand as a whole.

This was a HUGE mindset shift for me and I am deeply grateful for it. I have been wanting to do this work for many years, and, with Celinne’s tremendous help, I have finally created a life that feels authentic and steeped in connection and purpose.

I had a dream business that I wanted to launch but I was feeling really stuck. I had some fears pouring out of different life experiences that I really didn’t know how to move through so I could move forward. After a few months of working with Celinne, she really helped me dig in and deconstruct those fears and it helped shift the way that I saw these experiences. Now, instead of feeling like they’re holding me back, I actually now see how they helped me become stronger, more energized, and truer version of myself. With her support, I finally launched my dream business which I am so excited about. I have finally created a life that feels authentic and steeped in connection and purpose.

Celinne’s program is the best investment I ever made, for myself and my business, and has more than paid for itself — and will continue to do so over time.

Celinne is a masterful coach — what I love about her is that there’s no pretension or BS. She tells it like it is, and that’s what helped me have so many massive shifts and breakthroughs during our work together. During my private coaching with her, I did a total website and brand makeover. Each session, she pulled out things that I didn’t know were blockages or holding me back from being my authentic self. I can now tell my story and Celinne pulled it right out of me. I am SO much more confident in presenting myself to the world as a brand, whereas before I really hid and that wasn’t helping me or my students.

We had one call in particular that blew my mind. I sat on a bench on the street talking with my notebook out because I had to write down what she was saying. It felt like such synergy.

Not only did she help with my story, but she listened to my business struggles and offered me some GENIUS advice and perspectives that are proving to be invaluable. Once I started working with Celinne and she started working her word “wizardry” on me, I felt supported in such a wonderful way. I didn’t feel alone and she quickly pulled out all the important parts of me. She helped me craft a message and tell my story in a way that felt SO me. If you’re thinking about working with Celinne – you won’t regret it!

I feel so much more confident in explaining my services. I don’t fumble on my words when someone asks me what I do. I am reaching more potential clients through social media because my stories and content are so much more impactful. And I’m having a lot more fun when I sit down to write content.

I originally hired Celinne to help me with content. To pull out of me the stories and ideas that I knew were living inside of me. And man, what I got was so much more. Celinne helped me to not only fine-tune my messaging and create an entire bank of incredible stories to share, but she also guided me to dig deep and really understand the impact of my work. She helped me to find ways I could enrich my signature coaching package. Plus, she helped me to really hone in on the transformation I was offering, including the exact method, as well as values I held most important to my business.

If you have trouble properly articulating what you do, how you do it, and WHY you do it I can’t recommend Celinne enough. You will come out more focused, clear and empowered to spread your message and teach from a place of confidence and flow.

Celinne and I collaborated on how to make my company a reality. We set goals I was confident in and within a month I was working with my first paying client!

The amount of determination and energy that Celinne pours into every session is amazing. She barely even knew me, but she believed IN me even when I didn’t fully believe in myself and my dreams. When you’re around that kind of support and confidence, it’s hard NOT to begin believing, too! I feel like the song “I can see clearly now, the rain is gone!” The amount of direction, clarity, and boldness I’ve developed coaching with Celinne is beyond what I had convinced myself was possible.



I’ve helped 100s of heart-led, purpose-driven entrepreneurs, leaders, coaches, and healers unlock deeper levels of fulfillment, impact, and abundance in their lives by coming back to themselves, building magnetic brands, and scaling their businesses to multiple 6- and 7-figures.

By following the principles I now teach, I have built a highly successful coaching business that has generated millions while being able to take three months off during the year, work just 20 hours per week, and spend six months per year living and working abroad. It's these same principles that have landed me inside Forbes, Huffpost, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider, as well as on Tony Robbins' podcast and a TEDx stage.

I can’t wait to walk alongside you as step into a more abundant and soul-aligned life.

Case Studies




Celinne really does have a way of bringing out your story in the most powerful, honest way possible. If you get the chance to work with her, definitely take that opportunity. It was magical!

Amy Porterfield


Celinne is absolutely BRILLIANT at what she does. If you’re in ANY line of work that requires you to authentically connect with a group of people, you need to work with Celinne. She will save you so much time, money and energy from trying to figure all of this out on your own!

Kathrin Zenkina


I came to Celinne because I wanted her to help me unlock my voice… I didn’t realize that when I would work with Celinne, I was basically getting Tony Robbins, Ekhart Tolle, and Peter Mckinnon all wrapped in one.

Hanson Chengg



We do not guarantee any level of success or income from our programs, products, services, and information. Any success that you or another client may see from our materials is dependent upon you, your circumstances, and many other surrounding factors. We’ve endeavored to ensure that we accurately represent all the offerings and services displayed on this website and that the potential for income, earnings and income statements made by Celinne Da Costa Worldwide LLC and its advertisers or affiliates are accurate. Testimonials and other statements made on our website or social media are exceptional results, which do not necessarily reflect the average experience, and are simply estimates of what some clients have been able to earn. Any decision you make to invest in any of our products or programs is solely your own, and you agree we are not responsible nor liable if you do not achieve the level of success or financial results desired.