Creating A Business From Your Soul – A Case Study with Dr. Carrie Chojnowski | Ep 22


with Celinne Da Costa

Creating A Business From Your Soul – A Case Study with Dr. Carrie Chojnowski | Ep 22
It's Not What You Think
Creating A Business From Your Soul - A Case Study with Dr. Carrie Chojnowski | Ep 22

In today’s episode, I’m joined by my client, the phenomenal Dr. Carrie Chojnowski, for a case study where we unpack her journey of alignment between her traditional medical practice and her Soul’s sacred calling. 🙌

In this vulnerable discussion, Carrie opens up about the profound transformations she experienced while working with me privately over the past year. Although her life at surface level seemed great, deep down she felt disconnected, compartmentalized, and misaligned with her Soul’s true purpose.

During our journey together, she shed MAJOR limiting beliefs, reclaimed her wisdom as a healer, expanded her impact, and integrated every aspect of self into one empowered being operating from her highest vision.

Carrie shares that her experience working with me allowed her to unlock limitless energy, abundance, and capacity to serve her patients and community on a greater scale.

I hope this conversation fills you with the courage to walk your Soul’s path as our limiting beliefs are simply clouded lenses obstructing our sight!


Do you have a deep awareness and resonance that there is more for you on this earth walk?

Do you feel that there is more in you to give?

Are you unsure where to begin?

Here are some ways you can work with me:

✨ Story Clarity Intensive – Get crystal clear on your next steps, release limiting beliefs, and take aligned action toward your vision.

✨ In-person VIP Days – Mid-October: 1 spot available in Bali⁣

✨ 4-month or 7-month Mentorship – 2 spots available for 2023

To apply click here – I look forward to connecting with you. 🙏


✨ Carrie’s journey reconnecting to her innate wisdom as a healer

✨ Moving from scarcity to abundance by aligning pricing with nourishment

✨ Expanding impact by sharing your gifts

✨ Becoming the fullest expression of yourself in ALL areas of life

✨ How placing your Soul in the driver’s seat leads to limitless energy


Working with Celinne brings people back to the design, the map, the blueprint of who they came on this planet to be.

Dr. Carrie Chojnowski

We’re not doing the thing that people normally do. We’re not following the herd. We’re pioneering a new path in alignment with our Soul and my Soul has her own plan.

Celinne Da Costa

It’s like gathering up these shattered pieces of ego, like every step of the way and saying, it’s gonna be okay, we’re gonna get through this.

Dr. Carrie Chojnowski

When I stopped compartmentalizing and came into complete alignment I had endless capacity, endless energy.

Dr. Carrie Chojnowski


Carrie is a soul-centered, international family care naturopathic doctor who believes in science-based, spirit-led medicine. Her physical practice is located in the US, though she does see patients via telemedicine all over the world. Carrie has been living in Northern Italy with her family for the past 4 years and returns to the US to see patients once or twice per year. In addition to running her private practice, she is the co-founder and medical director of INME Wellness, a company that facilitates sacred medicine retreats in Europe and the US with world-renowned indigenous leaders. Carrie is a passionate advocate of sovereign health, helping individuals and families to harness the innate healing that each of us possesses and she believes that nature has provided us with all that we need to achieve health at the very deepest levels.


Website | Instagram 


Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

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I'm a self-actualization coach and brand growth expert for CEOs, executives, and leaders. My work has been featured internationally, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, and TEDx. I've helped thousands of visionary leaders worldwide to unlock their most powerful story from within and grow their influence, income, and impact while staying aligned to their true soul's purpose.

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