Creating a Soul-Aligned Business That Honors Your Family: A Case Study with Dr. Stephanie Wigner | Ep 28


with Celinne Da Costa

Creating a Soul-Aligned Business That Honors Your Family: A Case Study with Dr. Stephanie Wigner | Ep 28
It's Not What You Think
Creating a Soul-Aligned Business That Honors Your Family: A Case Study with Dr. Stephanie Wigner | Ep 28

What does it take to build a business that’s an authentic expression of your soul’s purpose while being a fully present mom? In my latest interview with past coaching client Dr. Stephanie Wigner, we explore this question and so much more.

Stephanie shares vulnerably about her journey working with me in a private 4-month container, where we focused on aligning her purpose-driven consulting business with her deepest values.

Although Stephanie already had successful companies, she came to me feeling the pull to take her new business to the next level in a way that honored her lifestyle freedom and family priorities.

We got real about how adopting self-care practices and how scheduling intentional time for family allows working moms to enjoy both, without sacrificing one for the other. Stephanie had a powerful realization that spending quality time with her son actually supports her alignment and business growth rather than takes away from it. 

Throughout our coaching, Stephanie made incredible shifts within herself that allowed her to show up as the highest version of who she is meant to be. Her journey illustrates how embracing our feminine energy empowers us to seamlessly integrate our personal and professional lives.


If you’re like Stephanie and are ready to create a life, brand, and business that sets your soul on fire, apply here for private coaching with me. I currently have a couple of spots open for early 2024.

If you desire to work with me in a group setting, then my new program Business by Soul may be the right fit for you. It will guide you back to the core essence of who you are, why you’re here, what you’re here to contribute on a Soul level, and how you can translate your Soul essence into a profitable, fulfilling, and impactful business model.

If you’re ready to build your Business by Soul… join us here.


  • Learning to weave together motherhood and entrepreneurship
  • Releasing limiting beliefs around self-worth 
  • Learning to tap into joy and feminine energy vs hustling and “masculine” overdrive
  • The importance of self-care practices 
  • How our outer world shifts when we resolve inner blocks
  • Allowing more space and trust vs micromanaging 
  • Staying present to appreciate the lifestyle you’ve created vs always chasing the next goal


The strategy will come to me. The next steps will come to me. Everything will come to me. Now that I have this confidence and worthiness. It’s like, I know I already have it and it’s available to me now.

Dr. Stephanie Wigner

Even if you’re a busy mom, take 10 minutes, even if you’re just stepping outside and putting your toes in the grass. Claim yourself, now. Today.

Celinne Da Costa

The more time I spend with my son, the more I feel in my flow. I feel more in my feminine energy because he brings out a really joyful, playful side of me. And it’s actually good for my business.

Dr. Stephanie Wigner

When you’re feeling good about your work, it gets easier.

Celinne Da Costa

There was a part of me that thought to get to where I wanted to be, I had to work harder.

Dr. Stephanie Wigner

The more we become who we’re naturally here to be, the more life starts to rearrange itself to support us.

Celinne Da Costa

Now I really feel like I’m embodying the best version of myself.

Dr. Stephanie Wigner

My intention in sharing this uplifting conversation is to showcase the incredible transformations available when we dedicate ourselves to the inner work. With consistent practice, we can resolve the fears, limiting beliefs, and blocks that have held us back from fully embracing our gifts.

The “outer” results Stephanie created in her business and lifestyle are just beautiful side effects of doing this soul-focused work. When we align with our truth and act from inspiration, our reality effortlessly rearranges itself to mirror our internal expansion.

To all those out there who feel the call to live out their purpose and share their unique talents with the world – I believe in you. The version of yourself that you’ve been dreaming of becoming is available now. Let’s walk this path together!

I hope Stephanie’s story inspires you to take a chance on yourself and answer your soul’s calling. The world needs your gifts. Now is the time.


Steph embodies the spirit of a multi passionate entrepreneur, investor, and mentor. Alongside her professional pursuits, she is equally dedicated to her roles as a loving wife and devoted mother. With a keen eye for business opportunities and a relentless drive for success, she has scaled two brick and mortar chiropractic clinics to over $1M in revenue in less than 7 years. Stephanie now coaches and trains other chiropractors and wellness experts on how to implement her methods so they can achieve the same level of success. Steph’s passion for mentoring shines through as she supports and empowers others on their own journeys to building legacies without sacrificing time with their families. 

She’s also the host of the celebrated podcast, The Wealthy Practitioner, a program that features curated interviews with other entrepreneurs and provides actionable advice to practitioners who are building a 7 figure business.

Outside of building businesses, you can find her traveling the world or nose-deep in a good book!


Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook 


Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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I'm a self-actualization coach and brand growth expert for CEOs, executives, and leaders. My work has been featured internationally, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, and TEDx. I've helped thousands of visionary leaders worldwide to unlock their most powerful story from within and grow their influence, income, and impact while staying aligned to their true soul's purpose.

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