Harmonizing the Masculine and Feminine: Tantra as a Map for Wholeness with Ananda Sarita | Ep 30


with Celinne Da Costa

Harmonizing the Masculine and Feminine: Tantra as a Map for Wholeness with Ananda Sarita | Ep 30
It's Not What You Think
Harmonizing the Masculine and Feminine: Tantra as a Map for Wholeness with Ananda Sarita | Ep 30

Tantra invites us on a powerful journey back home to ourselves. By balancing the masculine and feminine polarities within, we awaken to our true nature beyond limiting beliefs and past conditioning.

In this episode, masterful Tantra teacher Ananda Sarita dives deep into the tantric perspective on harmonizing our inner masculine and feminine energies. This alchemical process helps achieve wholeness within ourselves and the sacred union in our intimate relationships.

Sarita reminds us that nature designed men and women to be complementary opposites, with inherent biological and psychological differences. Yet modern society has disrupted the natural polarity, leading both genders to adopt imbalanced masculine traits of control, goal orientation, and competition.

Through tantra’s sacred teachings and map of the chakras, Ananda guides us back to equilibrium. We learn to honor the divine gifts unique to masculinity and femininity and allow those energies to dance in polarity.

Above all, Tantra is a pathway leading us directly into the heart of the divine mystery.

This episode explores how this ancient approach helps us remember the love, bliss, and oneness we knew before the world conditioned us to forget.


  • How our biology helps us to achieve intimacy
  • Reclaiming our gifts through Tantra
  • Balancing inner male or female to bring wholeness
  • Our spiritual evolution
  • Aligning energy centers to unlock our potential
  • Love as a woman’s superpower
  • Bringing divine feminine qualities into society


“ We can get unconsciously addicted to men if we’re not navigating our intimacy consciously.”

Celinne Da Costa

“Love is omnipresent in our reality. To ask, where is love? Is like a fish in the sea asking, where is the water? We are living in an ocean of love.”

Ananda Sarita

“Tantra, for me, has been a powerful way to find my way back to love.”

Celinne Da Costa

“Nature intends us to live in a state of equilibrium and bliss.”

Ananda Sarita

“Through Tantra, I have been able to return back to my feminine principles.”

Celinne Da Costa

“As we open our clairvoyant vision, we become one with all that is.”

Ananda Sarita

This dynamic exchange offers profound insight into solving humanity’s deepest rifts – between mind and body, masculine and feminine, humanity and nature. By exploring the disconnects we collectively experience from Source, Tantra provides a bridge back to wholeness.

Through profound wisdom and grace, Ananda Sarita reminds us of the love we are. May we carry this message in our hearts, protecting and nurturing its flame as we walk each step with renewed presence and courage.

I hope these show notes have provided an insightful glimpse into this transformational discussion. To fully immerse yourself in Ananda Sarita’s gift, be sure to listen to the full episode with love and optimism for our continued awakening!


Ananda Sarita’s mission in life is to spread the joy of Tantra in the world.

She has been deeply immersed in her personal path of Tantra, Meditation and Spirituality since 1973 and has spent 17 years learning directly from the enlightened mystic Osho in his physical presence. This invaluable time has allowed her to absorb the full essence of his teachings and dive deeper into the realms of Tantra and holistic healing.

Ananda Sarita is committed to practicing and teaching authentic Tantra, rooted in Meditation and Love.

For her, Tantra is a sublime path to enlightenment which explores polarities and the alchemical transformation that takes place when opposites meet in the light of awareness.


Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook 


Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

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I'm a self-actualization coach and brand growth expert for CEOs, executives, and leaders. My work has been featured internationally, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, and TEDx. I've helped thousands of visionary leaders worldwide to unlock their most powerful story from within and grow their influence, income, and impact while staying aligned to their true soul's purpose.

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