Dick-Jan Leegwater

As a trainer/coach/consultant in the fields of connecting communications, mindfulness-meditations and emotional intelligence I was developing concepts to reach, interact

As a trainer/coach/consultant in the fields of connecting communications, mindfulness-meditations and emotional intelligence I was developing concepts to reach, interact and help more people than I could do with the traditional f-2-f coach-client model.

I had a couple of ideas of what my vision and values were but I was missing a red line, a structure or framework where I could relate all that I do now and in the future. Most of my exercises about creating a vision and values led to some fancy keywords and slick payoffs which changed all the time and didn’t hold the vision together.

With Celinne as my guide in the field of brand ID, it became more and more clear what it is that I am providing, to whom and why that matters (also to myself). Celinne really breaks it down, questions the words, bringing it back to the core and helping me to stay connected with myself so I kept going in the right direction. Now I have a clear vision in what is what, how and why I am solving, generating and doing the things I do.


I'm a self-actualization coach and brand growth expert for CEOs, executives, and leaders. My work has been featured internationally, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, and TEDx. I've helped thousands of visionary leaders worldwide to unlock their most powerful story from within and grow their influence, income, and impact while staying aligned to their true soul's purpose.


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